30 07, 2019

ROX now available on CoinLim


CoinLim is an exchange registered in Singapore (previously Hong Kong). It launched in April 2018 and is available in both English and simplified Chinese.

The exchange also has an OTC-function, where users can create ads and sell their tokens through that medium of exchange instead.

The […]

ROX now available on CoinLim2019-07-30T20:42:08+01:00
18 07, 2019

China’s Molten Salt Solar Thermal Plant as a Global Technology


As time passes new technologies and methods are being discovered, one of the latest technologies is the use of molten salt in solar thermal plants. This improved method does not just increase the storage ability of a solar power plant but boosts its efficiency and reduces the cost […]

China’s Molten Salt Solar Thermal Plant as a Global Technology2019-07-18T08:37:24+01:00
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