3 07, 2019

Robotina Vice President Milan Susman as a Discussant at UNESCO Event


Today at 1PM part of UNESCO Open Education Design international workshop will take place in Vipava, Slovenia. This is actually multi-stakeholder interactive session where our Vice President Milan Susman will appear as a discussant on the first panel regarding European perspective of how can energy literacy help reach […]

Robotina Vice President Milan Susman as a Discussant at UNESCO Event2019-07-17T13:11:06+01:00
1 06, 2019

Industrialization in Asia increasing the need for HEMS and BEMS


In the Asia pacific, Korea and Japan has large share in the management system compared to other countries. Industrialization in Korea keeps growing and this has increased their energy requirements while Japan seems to be adopting more of BEMS and HEMS.

IEMS is that the section of the Asia Pacific region that generates the very […]

Industrialization in Asia increasing the need for HEMS and BEMS2019-06-03T22:10:19+01:00
15 05, 2019

Building Energy Management System (BEMS) and the World Population


It is no new story that the world’s population keeps increasing and it is becoming quite alarming. With increase in population comes increase in energy usage or consumption. Even with the present population, various means of energy consumption has been seen and several problems has been observed such […]

Building Energy Management System (BEMS) and the World Population2019-05-15T13:35:13+01:00
15 03, 2019

Green cities for better climate


Green cities are cities that are trying human actions that lead to climate change. These cities attempt to live in a sustainable way such that the needs of the present inhabitants are met without that of possible future inhabitants being placed in jeopardy. Green cities are also referred […]

Green cities for better climate2019-07-17T13:24:00+01:00
23 06, 2018

Hitachi Meets Robotina On Two Days Visit For Regular Annual Cooperation Planning Meeting


All of us here at Robotina are glad to have hosted a Hitachi, our long time partners on a two days visit. This is not the first time we as a team will be partnering with Hitachi, as there exists an healthy relationship and cooperation between […]

Hitachi Meets Robotina On Two Days Visit For Regular Annual Cooperation Planning Meeting2019-07-17T13:54:31+01:00
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