25 07, 2019

Japan is developing world’s largest Virtual Power Plants


In Japan, their energy market has remained on the low and of less capacity, this could have been different but the nuclear accident which happened at the Fukushima plant in 2011 had made it fall back. Presently, they are developing a virtual power plant (VPP) which aims to have the […]

Japan is developing world’s largest Virtual Power Plants2019-07-25T17:03:35+01:00
8 07, 2019

Istanbul Airport connects 3,000 sensors to smart monitor assets


The latest creation in the Turkish economy is the Istanbul airport. It is a large looking building with a rectangular bottom at the center which serves as the check-in and the main hall connecting the piers of the terminal. The piers have four international gates and one domestic gate. They […]

Istanbul Airport connects 3,000 sensors to smart monitor assets2019-07-17T13:10:11+01:00
6 04, 2019

Bridge HORIZON 2020: Part 1


BRIDGE is a cooperation group involving 36 Low Carbon Energy (LCE) Smart-Grid and Energy Storage projects and it is funded under the Horizon 2020 program over the last four years (2014-2017). This cooperation aims to foster the exchange of information, experience, knowledge and best practices among its members. […]

Bridge HORIZON 2020: Part 12019-07-17T13:19:54+01:00
23 03, 2019

Digital solutions for the future of energy


Beyond every aorta of doubt, the blockchain industry has come to stay and has a bright future ahead of it. Are you aware that just the energy sector alone in the digital infrastructure has already invested forty-seven billion dollars in 2017 and these investments have been seen to have increased […]

Digital solutions for the future of energy2019-07-17T13:21:51+01:00
3 03, 2019

Voice of progress – February 2019


In case you are wondering how dedicated we are to revolutionizing the planet, the answer is; very dedicated. We have a goal, and in order to accomplish this goal, we set targets for ourselves every quarter and so far, we have accomplished most of our targets till date. […]

Voice of progress – February 20192019-07-17T13:25:04+01:00
17 02, 2019

Home Automation is much more than just controlling your home gadgets


With home automation, you can control the devices and gadgets in your house from any location in the whole world from a mobile device. While some might use this tag to describe prior programmed equipment, for example, thermostats, home automation refers to the full spectrum of devices that […]

Home Automation is much more than just controlling your home gadgets2019-02-17T16:25:35+01:00
11 02, 2019

The Big Saudi 5


As part of efforts to gain a foothold in Saudi Arabia and tap the market there. We will be exhibiting at The Big Saudi 5 2019. This event is an avenue for experts in the construction industry to gather and rub minds together. It spans a period of 4 days […]

The Big Saudi 52019-02-11T12:29:59+01:00
3 02, 2019

Exhibition of the HiQ Home Automation System at Decofair 2019


As part of our efforts to stay active on the Saudi Arabian market and create awareness for our products, we will be partaking in an interior exhibition at the Decofair 2019 happening in the city of Riyadh between the 4th and 6th of February.

Decofair […]

Exhibition of the HiQ Home Automation System at Decofair 20192019-07-17T13:27:02+01:00
25 01, 2019

The Future of IoT: What to expect in 2019


2018 was a great year where Internet of Things is concerned but 2019 promises to be an even greater year. The following are where you can reasonably expect to see IoT making major headway in 2019.

  • Traditional industries: traditional industries are those industries that […]
The Future of IoT: What to expect in 20192019-07-17T13:27:22+01:00
30 10, 2018

Smart home technology is exciting, but is it right for you?

Smart Home Technology Can Be Exciting, But Are You Using The Right One

Homeowners are typically attracted to smart home features and appliances because of the ease and convenience it renders. Undoubtedly, these are amazing features as they are known to save time, effort and most importantly, money. […]

Smart home technology is exciting, but is it right for you?2018-12-09T11:03:57+01:00
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