12 10, 2018

The solution: IoT +AI + blockchain


Following the need for an overhauling and adjustment on the smart grid’s basic framework, there have been a number of attempts yet already. Fixing a matching solution to the prevailing issues requires a well drafted framework, especially if the efforts in this regards would not come to naught. In addition […]

The solution: IoT +AI + blockchain2019-07-17T13:35:49+01:00
21 09, 2018

Energy profit maximization: The contrast between classic and modern approach


In contemporary times, the energy use methods and billing strategies adopted by vendors and suppliers, have changed quite remarkably by a number of obvious traits. A good percentage of whatever differences that there are, would be attributable to a determining difference in technology creation.

The ideal energy-providing […]

Energy profit maximization: The contrast between classic and modern approach2019-07-17T13:38:56+01:00
17 09, 2018

Smart grid now tested in GOFLEX project


The Robotina company has been a pivotal component to the actualization of the GOFLEX project’s objectives. GOFLEX is primarily aimed at innovating, integrating, and demonstrating specific desired features in smart grid technology utilization. Consequently, our role includes fixing in features to aptly ensure energy use management, optimization, and automation. This […]

Smart grid now tested in GOFLEX project2019-07-17T13:40:05+01:00
14 09, 2018

Importance of artificial intelligence


There are a number of issues in energy consumption and its payment that needs to be addressed, and as a matter of urgency. It is common to hear people talk about how much they wished they could have some real control over how their energy supply and usage is being […]

Importance of artificial intelligence2019-07-17T13:40:35+01:00
20 07, 2018

Functionality Updates

The Robotina company’s energy and systems development teams are working round the clock to make sure that the appropriate innovations and improvements are brought into our energy management and optimization units. Hence, these are the reasons for our system and device functionality updates, most of which are effected from time […]
Functionality Updates2019-07-17T13:47:43+01:00
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